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Starcresc Birthday Cake Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary!

Happy Birthday to Starcresc!

It’s been a crazy year, that’s for sure. Tonight when you pour yourself a big glass of wine – pour an extra one for us! Or wine, or liquor. Whatever you fancy – we’re celebrating our 10-year anniversary!

Our new website features a nod to our heritage and completely embracing our “space” theme with modern design elements and a streamlined code base which should make embracing new technology and web standards much easier in the future. Our new site is also fully mobile-responsive looking just as great on a phone or other device as it does on a traditional PC.

Our company started 10 years ago (in fact a bit earlier in 2009, -but just give us this one, okay?) and while we were hard at work launching our website for the first quarter of 2020 we had some unforeseen circumstances known as COVID-19. Oh, you too? Wow, small world. All kidding aside, being turned on your head causes a bit of reshuffling to get things going again. A lot of businesses have had to restructure themselves in order to survive the chaos.

We’re proud to be able to take the opportunity to launch our new website, but that’s just the beginning of our celebration! That’s right, WE’RE giving out presents to YOU for our birthday all year long (and well into the future!).

We’re expecting to launch a few new products and services in the near future to which you will just have to stay tuned to find out more. If you are a current Starcresc customer, look for this information coming to your inbox soon. (And if you aren’t a customer, and you’re feeling a bit nosy, feel free to register here for our newsletter). No charge for shipping! You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time but we would like to ensure they are providing enough value to you that you won’t even look twice at the unsubscribe button.

To that end, we’re going to start sending free marketing tips and strategies right to your inbox that you can use to further enhance your business and its web potential. You can also find similar articles right here in our blog which will be getting more frequent updates in the future. With new articles and contents, and popular guest bloggers, we’ll be able to make a complete resource for you to use to enhance your business.

We will also be launching our exciting new referral system in the coming months as a way to say ‘thank you’ to our existing customers who continually refer us to other businesses for new projects.

We will also be launching an exclusive website offer that you won’t want to miss (again, make sure you’re set to receive our emails) for more information on a website design special that you’ll want to take advantage of yourself or recommend to your friends in need of websites!

Overall, here’s to a great rest of 2020 as we pass and recover from coronavirus and get back on track to building our businesses now and into the future! We’re always here to help!

Christopher Martone

This is my bio.

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